The staff in The Junction are specialised in dealing with students who need to modify their learning behaviours in order to succeed at Perins where high expectations are the norm. Our young people are immersed into a time limited programme with the aim of returning to their Perins timetable with a personalised toolkit to assist them in coping with the aspiration environment of a Perins classroom.

The Junction

 A ‘school within a school’ adding an additional layer of support and structure for students who require this. 


Perins is delighted to offer The Junction as an area of inclusion for students who need to modify their learning behaviours in order to succeed.

The aim for this support is to tackle barriers that are impacting individuals’ behaviour and engagement in school. An important ethos at The Junction is to build a sense of belonging, in order to re engage their love of learning and to build confidence.  

All students have access to a broad curriculum, with teachers from the main school coming to deliver lessons. It also creates a space for individual study and a place where students can learn at their own pace.  

The Junction Aims; 

  • To support students to become successful within the Perins community and to build skills for life.
  • To enable students to access education at Perins, explicitly teaching the skill of learning.
  • To create a final layer of inclusion at Perins which will support children in breaking down their barriers to learning.  
  • To enable students to feel secure and safe within a school setting. 
  • Preventing (where possible) permanent exclusions
The impact on student learning;
  • Reduction in truancy
  • Key Emotional support to allow building trust with adults and teachers
  • Reduction in student suspensions
  • Reduction in low level disruptions in main school lessons
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