National Careers Week 3rd to the 8th March 2025

National Careers Week is a chance to show our pupils all the potential future jobs and opportunities that exist in the wider world. As part of our careers programme, we will be using National Careers Week to kickstart a school-wide initiative to promote future jobs and careers. Each department will be inviting in parents and other local business representatives to come and speak with our pupils about the careers linked to their subjects. This is a chance for pupils to see and hear from the real individuals who do these jobs and what it takes to reach those positions.
Although National Careers Week is the starting point, we will continue to invite parents and other volunteers into school across the summer term so that there are plenty of opportunities for our young people to experience at least 1 session. If you have not completed the parents skills survey from the start of the academic year and are interested in being a part of this project, please email the school mailbox with details about what you may be interested in offering.