West Side Story 2019
We were lucky enough to stage the 2019 summer production of West Side Story at The Grange, this prestigious venue was home to the Perins Youth Theatre for 6 nights, selling over 3000 tickets and provided the students with a professional West End experience! From day one, giving them the Grange set the precedent, world class venue, world class performance, and they certainly delivered!
They were the youngest cast with the most challenging roles, some of the leads were just 13 years old. The incredible cast effortlessly embodied the souls of their characters, making them mesmerising to watch. We also formed a new community Orchestra, whose commitment and passion for music resonated throughout the theatre!
We received some outstanding feedback from the local community, parents and Press, here are some of our highlights:
‘It is a phenomenally difficult piece to do but your young people showed such energy, attack and conviction in their performance. I could not believe how young they are. The vocal work was exceptional and the musicality and ensemble quality from every member of the cast was so impressive. It was a joyous evening and they totally owned it.’
‘This vibrant production was a complete testament to the value you place on the arts and creative activity and the exceptional levels of achievement that you facilitate.’
‘We were most impressed with the fantastic show. Extremely professional and worthy of a tour of the provincial theatres, and ultimately West end.’
‘A special vote of thanks to all the students who so ably entertained us and drew every bit of emotion out of the story. The standard of the music was exceptional with some superb part singing.’ NODA
‘I haven’t seen professional shows in London with this much natural talent’ Facebook comment
“There are not enough words to describe how amazing this show is. Well done to the cast and the Perins theatre team… you have truly excelled yourselves. Every singles cast member pitch perfect- truly extraordinary. Arts is so incredibly important for children and should be fostered at every opportunity – so glad I bought my tickets – will never forget this show’ Facebook comment
‘Certainly the best School production I have ever seen. West End standards.’
WSS promotional film