More Able & Talented

Perins has a well-established More Able & Talented programme which aims to enrich and extend the learning experience of the more able students at the school.

Students who are recognised as more able are those who have the ability to excel  in specific subjects, e.g. English, Maths, Science and humanities. Others have the ability to excel in specific practical subject areas, e.g. PE, Drama, Art and Music.

At Perins we also recognise more able students who have high CAT (Cognitive Abilities Tests) scores. These students are identified as having High Academic Potential and have the ability to perform highly across a range of academic subjects.

Identification of High Academic Potential students happens in the autumn term of Year 7 with subject specific More Able & Talented nominations happening towards the end of the Spring Term of Year 7. Students can be added to the More Able & Talented register at any point during their time at Perins and students’ progress will be monitored to help ensure that these they reach their full potential.

Each department has a MA&T representative who ensures that there is quality MA&T provision within the department. Opportunities such as competitions, university experiences, productions, concerts, sports teams, master classes and enrichment days are provided.

In addition, all Key Stage 3 MA&T/High Academic Potential students will be invited to the XPERTISE Summer School which takes place at the start of the School summer holidays.

Mrs Key is the Perins School More Able & Talented Coordinator and oversees all aspects of the MA&T programme, including the Summer School and all whole school events.  For further information please contact Mrs or call the School Office on 01962 734361.