Letter from the Head of School 19th March 2025

19 Mar 25
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Dear parents/ carers,

I was pleased to see the number of parents attending the various activities in the evenings over the last few weeks which included an information evening about a future Costa Rica trip, the ski trip meeting, the Year 11 leavers celebrations fundraising quiz night and the various Rugby 7’s tournaments which Perins hosted.

It was good to catch up with several of you and to hear your ideas on how the school can raise our standards to even higher levels. The Local Advisory Board, which met last week, is a real opportunity to voice ideas further and would benefit from more parent members attending future meetings.

With other upcoming events in the school diary such as the ongoing GCSE practical examination in numerous subjects for Year 11’s, closure of the option choices programmes for Years 8 and 9, a trip to Oxford University, preparations for the Year 10 work experience, Year 9 Parents evening this Thursday 20th March and the Sports Tour dinner this Saturday evening, we certainly have a dynamic community here at Perins.

Fund Raising- The students have been enthusiastically raising funds for a large covered area by our Pascal building, I am pleased to say their efforts in raising money for the new area have been substantially boosted by a very kind donation of £10,000 from a source who at present wishes to remain anonymous, and in my post-tray this morning I opened a letter from a Mr Robert Bailey whose late wife Edna, attended Perins School leaving school in 1939 at the age of 14, but who then went on to work at The War Office. Edna, who died in February 2019 had fond memories of Perins and her husband has donated £5,000 in her memory. These substantial donations bring us ever closer to our target of £59,500, and remember we have an ambitious timescale too!!

Miss Sweetman has alerted me to the year 11 fundraising committee’s efforts at the recent Quiz night: “It was a really fun event and the Year 11’s raised a massive £1800 towards their Leaver’s afternoon and Prom. This will go a long way to ensuring they have a memorable end to their time at Perins school.”

Study Skills - The study skills we deliver at Perins are now operated on a spiral curriculum through subjects, life studies, Transform and tutor sessions, progressively from year 7 to embed crucial strategies and habits. Those in higher year groups who had not benefitted from this newly implemented strategic approach are having Elevate sessions, these can be further complemented by the parent engagement sessions. Our education partner, Elevate Education reported that fifty Perins parents attended their last online seminar on how to support your child with their revision, the next “How You Can Support Your Child During Exams” webinar is on Tuesday 25th March 6:00-7:00 pm (GMT) Click here to register for free.

Our new website allows our communication team to place news about our student successes into the parent bulletin in year group blocks for your ease of access to relevant information. Let us celebrate our young learners’ successes as this will, in turn, continue to assist them in raising aspirations for their futures.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Nevola
Head of Perins School