Pride in Perins


At Perins School we believe every member of our community has this set of basic rights. For teaching staff, the “right to learn” is extended to include the “right to teach”. To assist in driving our ethos the following Perins values underpin our clear succinct set of rights.

The Perins values are examined in detail alongside key citizenship issues in discrete timetabled Life Studies lessons, which allow for discussion, leading to a greater depth of understanding of the key features and expectations that make Perins the school it is today and prepare our students for the world beyond school.

Throughout the “Perins Experience”, Form Tutors and Heads of Year all work with a sense of unity to promote the Perins values setting clear citizenship goals, which work in tandem with our wider expectations of our Perins community working with each other, and for each other.

The Perins values are evident and are embedded in the school curriculum subjects and throughout our extra-curricular offer, making Perins a desirable place for people to come to undertake their learning or teaching journey.

Our school community has true ownership of its values and what can only be described as a clear “Pride in Perins.”