Year 9 into 10 Options

As your child approaches the halfway line in Year 9, we need to help them to think about which of their options choices they might wish to consider discontinuing.


Why do we ask students to drop a subject?

We endeavour to maintain as broad a curriculum as possible in Year 9. This means giving everyone the freedom to make an extra choice and gain knowledge and skills in a subject but to then focus attention on fewer qualifications into Years 10 and 11.


How should my child choose which subject to drop?

Most students may already have a fair idea of which subject they plan to discontinue. We would suggest thought around this though, even if they have made up their mind.

Maybe talk through questions such as:

  • What benefits might I get from each of my chosen subjects at A level or beyond?

  • How well am I making progress in each of my chosen subjects?

  • Do I want to give up because of the circumstances i.e. the teacher or someone else in the group?


Does my child need to decide today?

We will send a link to a form during the next half term with a view to collecting responses by Easter so there is plenty of time to have a conversation, look at school reports with grade predictions and then make a decision.


Can my child give up whatever they want?

We offer the opportunity for them to let us know which of their five option choices they would like to discontinue. We will ask for a first and second choice. All students continue with English, Maths and Science. Where we believe a choice may not necessarily be in the student’s best interests, we will talk to them and to you.


What if I have any questions?

We are always available to answer questions. Form tutors and subject teachers are a great place to start – or email and your inquiry will be passed to the most appropriate person.

We would also like to point you back towards the options booklet that informed the choices made in Year 8. This is specifically last year’s information as this will differ from the current Year 8 publication.

Year 8 Options Booklet