PE Kit & Requirements

All students have two PE lessons each week. They also have the opportunity to attend sports clubs and participate in extra-curricular activities.  The PE kit listed below is available for students to take part in the range of sports and activities conducted as part of their PE Lessons. Compulsory items are 1 x navy rugby shirt or navy hooded top, 1 x white polo top, 1 x navy shorts or skort and white ankle socks.

  • White polo shirts. Good quality shirts embroidered with the Perins School logo are available. (It is perfectly acceptable to wear alternatives, but they must be plain white)

  • Rugby Shirt. Navy and sky blue reversible with Perins School logo. Required for after school rugby training and fixtures.

  • Navy shorts or skort for girls, with Perins School logo (It is perfectly acceptable to wear alternatives but they must be plain navy, and must not be high cut or have side vents. Please check the fit of these garments annually.)

  • Navy football socks

  • Trainers (skateboard shoes are not acceptable)

  • White sports socks

  • Shin pads – for year 7 and 8 hockey and football lessons

  • Mouthguards  – for all students who take part in rugby and hockey, we strongly recommend that mouth guards are worn. We can suggest various mouthguards, all of which are totally acceptable. The PE department also offer a basic mouth guard at a cost of £2. Click here for further details.

  • Navy Jogging trousers, with white Perins printed logo. (It is perfectly acceptable to wear alternatives, but they must be plain navy, or with very subtle logos.)

  • Navy hoodies and sweatshirts (3 versions in navy with Perins logos for KS3 and KS4)

  • Navy running leggings. These can only be worn under navy shorts or a navy skort. Perins School logo leggings are available. Leggings cannot be worn on their own.

  • Navy base layer top. This can only be worn under other PE tops. Perins School logo base layer is available.


Please note that black alternatives of any of the above navy clothing are not acceptable.


How to order Perins School logo PE Kit: 

PE kit is available online at The Direct Clothing Company. The order will be processed and posted to your home address. 

Alternatively, please check the Friends of Perins online shop, which stocks a wide range of secondhand PE kit for sale, and the profits of which go to Friends of Perins and help support the school. We would be very grateful for any donations of current Perins School PE kit that you no longer need, and these can be dropped off at Reception.



In addition to the PE Kit, the following range of items is available from the Perins PE department. They are all embroidered with the Perins School logo. These garments are very popular and extremely useful, especially if your child suffers from the cold, attends after-school clubs or is a member of school teams.  We do not hold a large stock of these items and place orders with the supplier from time to time throughout the year. A reminder is sent to the school bulletin to encourage parents to place their orders.

  • Rain Jacket

  • Tracksuit trousers

  • Rugby Shorts

  • Splashproof Training tops

  • Navy Perins Rugby / Football / Hockey Socks

  • White Perins PE ankle socks


How to order Teamwear: 

Teamwear can be bought online via SCOPay. Please see  the sheet below for further information on the items available to order on SCOPay. Any questions please contact Mrs Cobb in the PE Department:

Perins Teamwear

We also strongly recommended football boots, navy sun hat, navy woolly hat and navy gloves. We are not able to supply these.

Hair and jewellery – All students will need to remove piercings for PE and long hair will have to be tied back. No jewellery can be worn. (Perins allows a single piercing in each ear lobe at other times).