Important Reminder: Informing Us About Your Child’s Allergies and Dietary Requirements

19 Mar 25
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At Perins School, the health and wellbeing of our students are our top priority. To ensure we provide the best care possible, we ask that you inform us if your child has any specific allergies or dietary requirements. This will help us make necessary accommodations, whether it’s for meals, activities, or emergency situations.

It’s crucial that we are provided with all relevant medical information regarding your child's allergies or special dietary needs, including any prescribed medication they may require. This helps us ensure that we’re prepared to support their health at all times. If your child has an allergy or medical condition that requires specific attention, please provide us with an updated emergency action plan. This plan should include clear instructions on how to handle any potential allergic reactions or medical emergencies.

Additionally, we kindly ask that you double-check that your child is carrying their required medication with them at school. Whether it’s an EpiPen, inhaler, or other essential medications, we want to ensure that they have what they need if a situation arises.

By keeping us informed and prepared, we can work together to create a safe and supportive environment for your child. If there have been any changes to your child’s medical or dietary information, please update us as soon as possible. 

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to ensuring your child’s safety at school.