Open Events 2024

June Open Events are now closed: September date to be announced shortly!  


Thank you to everyone who attended.


Full Open Event Details:

We understand that choosing a secondary school for your child is an important decision, which is why our open events help provide a real window into life at Perins School, giving you and your child a chance to explore our learning environment, meet some of our excellent teachers and students as well as viewing some of the new subjects your child may be learning. 

At Perins School, we offer two very different Open Event experiences. We recommend signing up for both the morning and evening events so that you see everything Perins School has to offer.

Bookings will open shortly for our September events. Please keep an eye on this page for latest information. 


Open Morning: 

 open morning event begins with a guided tour of our school by our wonderful student guides. You will see Perins school in full action and have a chance to ask the students questions as you walk around the site visiting the different departments. Registration and refreshments between 8:55-9:10 am, with student tours starting promptly at 9:10.* At the end of your tour, members of SLT will be on hand to answer any remaining queries you have.  
*for safeguarding purposes, the final tour will commence at 10:00 am, with visitors needing to have signed out by 10:30 am.  


Open Evening:

Our open evening event starts with presentations from students and staff, enabling you to learn more about Perins School. You are then free to explore the site, visiting the different departments, who will be carrying out activities for you to take part in such as live science experiments, quizzes and drama workshops. Registration is from 4:50 pm with presentations starting promptly at 5:00 pm. Senior staff will be around to answer questions from 6:00 pm with the site closing at 7:00pm. 
Click here to see an example of past activities that we have run.   *for safeguarding purposes, visitors need to exit the site by 7:00pm – a bell will sound. 


PARKING: We encourage families to park in the Perins public car park (entrance on Jacklyns Lane), there will be no charge for using the Perins car park during the events. Alternatively, public pay and display car parks are available at Arlebury Park and Station Road. We are expecting all car parks to be busy so please ensure time is allowed for this.

REGISTRATION: Once you have arrived on site, please make your way to the registration desk located in the canteen, at the top of the steps. This will be signposted from the lower car park, which you can access from Jacklyns Lane.


Registrations for our Open Events will open shortly. We do also accept walk ins on the day, but you will need to register on arrival.
We look forward to meeting you soon. In the meantime please click here for a copy of our online prospectus. 

Registrations for our open events have now closed.

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