Learning Apps

We recognise the benefits of digital tools to increase engagement, accelerate progress and improve communication. We use a wide range of digital tools to enhance our student’s experience.

Below are a few apps that  Parents/Carers need to be familiar with in order to support learning in school. We have included digital guides on how to use these apps below.



Have a look at the instructions here

We have recently added some functionality to the Edulink platform which we initially released in the Autumn for homework purposes.

You will now find Achievement and Behaviour tabs in the app that will give you and your child(ren) information about points they are awarded in real time.

If you are not yet using the Edulink app, we encourage you to  get started. We will add more features through the year.



In Arbor you will be able to keep track of your child’s timetable, points, and homework. You will also be able to check and amend personal and contact details, as well as enrol your child in extra curricular activities.

You may access the Parent Portal to log in for the first time by navigating to the school’s URL.

If you’re having problems, we recommend checking here first. If you’re still unable to login, contact us school@perins.hants.sch.uk.

You can also watch the Arbor support videos: Support Videos


Sparx Maths:

This App creates an hour’s worth of perfectly tailored practice Maths homework for each student each week driven by your school’s scheme of learning. The questions are designed to be achievable whilst offering the stretch that learners need to make progress.

Each week, topics are set by your child’s maths teacher and will make up the majority of the independent learning questions. Questions from previous topics will also be included in the independent learning so that students can keep practising the skills they have learned.


Sparx Maths Login

Sparx Reader:

Students will be using Sparx Reader to complete weekly homework, with engagement and performance being checked weekly by their tutor and fortnightly by their English teacher.

Students can choose from an appropriate range of recommended ebooks at their reading level and, as they read, they’ll answer questions to check they’re reading carefully. Careful readers earn points, meaning they can prove they’ve been focusing and ultimately climb the league table!

We encourage you to watch a series of short videos, explaining what Sparx Reader is and how it works, available at https://sparxreader.com/parents/


Seneca Premium:

We are delighted to announce that we have invested in Seneca Premium to support our student’s education.

Seneca Learning is an online learning platform that has high-quality courses for all subjects at Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level.

How do I set this up? Please read more here:

Seneca Letter to Parents

How do I use it? You can access a full ‘How To’ guide here:

Seneca for Parents

If you have any questions about how Seneca works, you can get support from the Seneca team using the live chat on their website or you can email them at learnmore@seneca.io