2-Year Laptop Scheme
2 Year Laptop Scheme
Moving forward, for those students moving into Year 10 in September, there are 2 options for laptop use at school:
Continue to participate in the laptop scheme and sign up to receive a new ASUS laptop in September
Use the existing Stone laptop with no warranty or repair service
As the insurance and warranty are due to expire at the end of this Stone laptop scheme (and the availability of spare parts is no longer guaranteed), we highly recommend taking advantage of signing up for the new scheme and receiving a new laptop for the remaining 2 years of your child’s education at Perins.
Please note that chargers and home devices cannot be used at school and the school laptop must be fully charged before bringing it to school.
Please ensure you read this:
2024 Laptop Scheme Information
This information sheet gives full details of this year’s scheme and how our Perins Laptop Scheme operates overall. Please ensure you have read the FAQs.
Next Steps:
This Online Response Form needs to be completed for all students by 17th May 2024. Please note there is an option to request a call/email back on the form if you have any questions.
If you have no further questions, please now complete the Freedom Tech Order Portal to add your child to the Perins Order and set up your direct debit for the donations.
Please ensure you click on the ‘confirm’ button on the final screen – you should then receive a confirmation email from Freedom Tech.
Login Details:
Website: Freedom Tech Portal
Email: Your email address
Username: perinsy1020
Password: S3cure02!
(that’s zero-two – it is case-sensitive and must include the !)
The portal will close on 31st May to allow us to place our final order.
The deadline for completion for this is 24th May 2024, with the 1st donation collection on 25th August 2024.
Key Information:
The parental donations will be collected for a fixed term of 21 months from 25th August 2024. The final donation will be collected on 25th April 2026.
If you are a UK taxpayer your donations are eligible for Gift Aid. Please complete the Gift Aid declaration on the Response Form and the portal in the same name. This must be the person making the donation.
If you are signing up for both the new Year 7 and Year 10 schemes for your children, please ensure you complete the correct order portal for each child, this will involve signing in twice and selecting the relevant ‘Username’
Year 10 students will receive their new school laptop within the first 2 weeks of term. They will be expected to use their existing device until they receive the new one.
For all queries please contact Caroline Cleaver 01962 737232 or email notebook@perins.hants.sch.uk.