Exams Information

Information for Candidates

GCSE Results – Summer 2024 

The Summer 2024 exam results will be available for students to collect in person on Thursday 22nd August from 9.00 am to 10.30 am from the Café at Perins School.  

If a candidate is unable to collect their results in person, they may ask someone to do this for them, but they (the candidate) must inform the Exams Officer in writing of this and name the person collecting the results on their behalf. This can be done via email to exams@perins.hants.sch.uk or by letter in the post.  

GCSE Post-results services – Summer 2024 

If a candidate wishes to request access to their exam script and/or a review of marking, there is a charge made by the Awarding bodies.  Information about how to apply for any of the post-result services will be included with GCSE results, when collected from school on Thursday 22nd August 2024. These details are also provided below: 

GCSE post-results services 2024 – Information booklet

GCSE post-results services 2024 – Candidate consent form 


Summer 2024 Examination Timetable

The timetable below provides an overview of the Summer 2024 exam season for subjects studied at Perins School. Once entries have been confirmed, candidates will receive their timetables, showing each exam they are entered for, a start time, an end time, and a venue.

Download the summer 2024 examination timetable here

Exam boards and specifications list 2024

Exam Clashes
Unfortunately, each year, there are some instances where a candidate has two different exam papers timetabled for the same morning or afternoon session. Where this occurs, candidates will complete both exam papers scheduled for the session. Once the first exam paper has been completed, candidates will be given a short, supervised rest break, before completing the second scheduled exam paper. 

In line with JCQ regulations, this must be conducted within the examination room and under formal examination conditions at all times. Candidates cannot use this time to revise. Where clashes occur in the afternoon session, the end time of the second exam paper will be later for some candidates. As a result, candidates will need to ensure they have arranged appropriate transport from school on these days.



Instructions for Candidates’ video 2023- 2024 

Before the GCSE exams begin, you must read all of the relevant documents below. They are published by the Joint Council on Qualifications (JCQ) which are the body in overall charge of exams in England

These documents tell you about some things that you must and must not do when you are completing your work.

 If there is anything that you can’t read or do not understand, you must ask your teacher or tutor

Information for candidates – written exams 2023-2024 – from JCQ for all students 

Exams Briefing for Candidates and Parents 2023-2024 

Year 11 GCSE Exams Assembly 2023-2024

Additional Information 

Suspected Malpractice Policies and Procedures 2023-2024 – for all those involved in or affected by malpractice incidents, including those who wish to report malpractice concerns regarding the delivery of general and vocational qualifications which are certificated by JCQ awarding bodies�

Non-examination assessments 2023-2024 – applies to all GCSE courses where there is a non-examination element. Examples are Art, Dance, Drama, Music & Design Technology.

Coursework Assessments 2023-2024 – applies to students taking Child Development, iMedia, Music Technology, and Sport Studies

Data Protection Form – personal data consent from examination candidate. Agreement for sharing data with JCQ regarding access arrangements

Privacy Notice – what happens to your data

JCQ have also produced some useful guides:

Replacement GCSE certificates – please click here to view information on how to get hold of replacement GCSE Certificates. 

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