Perins Educational Foundation

Perins Educational Foundation is a registered Charity which gives financial support to ex-students of Perins who are going into apprenticeships or further education. For example, we have given grants to apprentices, students at universities and colleges, and to people on day-release courses, to help with the cost of course books, tools, instruments, and protective clothing. We have also helped students who are travelling overseas on educational and social programmes.

How to apply

Grants are not means tested. However, to be considered, you need to have attended Perins School, be under 25, live within the catchment area of Perins School, and be in, or starting, further education or an apprenticeship.

The Foundation was set up in 1961. Trustees are appointed by Hampshire County Council, the Governors of Perins School, or Co-opted. The Trustees meet twice a year, in May and November, to consider applications from ex-students.

If you would like to know more about the work of the Foundation or make an application for funding please contact the Clerk to the Trustees Mrs Alysa Curtis, email her at

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