Dear parents/ carers,
Happy New Year from all at Perins School, we hope you had an enjoyable festive period.
As I highlighted before the Christmas break, the new fences and gates were all finished ahead of time and the use of the gates can be found at Gates NOP. Timings for the locking of gates will fall into line with school’s expected start times from Monday 13th January. Gates will lock at 0840 and any student arriving after this time will have a late mark recorded.
As you are aware we are in an everchanging world, I will shortly be sending out a letter entitled Perins in Lockdown which will detail increased safety measures we are introducing in 2025, we believe these are necessary to ensure we are prepared in our response to situations which might compromise the safety of young people. This has been a necessary response to increasing issues reported around schools in Hampshire and nearby counties. I understand some students will feel upset by this new procedure, our pastoral team are therefore prepared to work with our young people over any issues which arise, if you feel your child will need additional support, please let us know using
With an imminent inclement weather forecast, we looked back to the last time a snow related closure was necessary at Perins, and it was in February 2019! Should closure be necessary, we will communicate this with you via email and direct message sent through Arbor as near to 0700 as possible. Please ensure your contact details are up to date as a matter of urgency using the Arbor Parent Portal. A notice will be posted on the school website, and we will update the Hampshire School Closures site who will post this on their platform and inform local media (radio stations).
For this week we have advised staff not to host extra-curricular activities. This will be reviewed once the weather warning has been downgraded.
Yours faithfully
Mark Nevola
Head of Perins School