#BeeWell Survey

Last year Perins school signed up for the #BeeWell programme. #BeeWell is a programme that aims to understand the issues that matter to young people through an annual well-being survey delivered to secondary schools. The results are anonymised and combined so that schools, voluntary agencies, local government, and health can act on what young people are saying and make positive changes.

200 young people have been involved in developing the questions and co-creating the survey by telling us what factors influence their wellbeing, and what makes them thrive.

For further information about #BeeWell and about the survey, click here. If you wish to opt your child out of the survey, the contact details can be found on the final page of the parents and carers information sheet, here.

Please be aware that the final opt-out date for parents will be September 27th. This will involve making direct contact with Manchester University. Pupils may choose to opt out on the day they are scheduled to complete the surveys.

Kind regards,

Mr Elliott Cole
Head of PSHE

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