Head of School’s Letter 18/07/2024

Dear parents and carers

As we reach the end of another academic year at Perins, I am aware of various correspondence colleagues are sending to you regarding the logistical preparations for next year. I will try to avoid duplicating their messages.

Our final days leading up to the summer break find the vast majority of our young people involved in the school production, sports day, or our end of year awards evening. Our aim for next year is to engage those students who have not participated in a school activity to find something that, by the end of the next academic year they can say they have at least attempted. However, with school funding at an all-time low, the pressures on our finances to provide increased opportunities is diminishing, we will therefore be calling on local businesses and parents to support the activities we would like to offer. Volunteer coaches and activity leaders giving of their time and contributions of equipment will be most welcome to assist us in maintaining our current provision and driving the addition of new opportunities.

Throughout this week celebration assemblies have been led by our Heads of Year and these continue into next week. The positivity in the assembly hall as young people have their wide range of achievements acknowledged is electric!

I am pleased to announce that Perins School has received two national awards this week. As we strive to improve the school attendance of our students further, Perins has figures which exceed both the Hampshire Local Authority and National statistics. The Fischer Family Trust have recognised our student attendance as being in the top 25% of schools in England. Perins has also achieved the National Whole School Well Being Gold Award. This recognises Perins School’s continued pioneering work on raising attainment of our community through well being.

Our new social emotional and mental health unit is currently under construction and building work continues over the summer in readiness to welcome and support our first cohort of students who will work with our team in the new academic year.

This year has seen an excellent level of staff retention, with Perins being fully staffed for the academic year 2024-2025. This is not something evident around the country where the ongoing teacher shortage has impacted many schools. We do however say goodbye to few colleagues moving on to pastures new: We wish every success to Ms Greenwood, Ms Martinelli, Ms Durand in their new schools in England; Miss Hunt and Mr Garrett with their move to schools abroad; Ms Bullock and Mr Ioannou with their chosen future ventures.

Enjoy a restful summer break, I look forward to welcoming all our students back in September, refreshed and ready to engage in a positive learning experience in the new academic year.

I will send a communication prior to the start of the new term with reminders about uniform, equipment for learning and school expectations. Timetables will also be available in Edulink from mid-August.

Yours sincerely

Mark Nevola
Head of School

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