Support Resources for Holidays

Support resources available to families over the holidays.

With the Summer holiday rapidly approaching, please click here to view details of the support available, including:

ChatHealth – a confidential text support service for parents, carers, families and young people in Hampshire manned by Southern Health health visitors and school nurses.

Hampshire Healthier Together – clear information on common illnesses, including advice on what serious ‘red-flag’ signs to look out for, where to seek help if required, what you should do to keep comfortable and how long symptoms are likely to last.

Kooth – a free online counselling and emotional well-being support service offered to young people aged 11 – 25 years (up to their 26th birthday) with a safe and secure means of accessing support for their emotional and mental health needs from a professional team of qualified counsellors.

Click here for further information on all the resources available.

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