Letter from Head of School

Dear parents/ carers, 

With the final half term of this academic year underway, the summer has dared to make a very welcome appearance. From Tuesday to Thursday this week, with rising temperatures, the wearing of ties is optional for students, also if sunscreen, appropriate sunhats, and sunglasses can be added to the school bags for break times. A large water bottle should also be brought to school for refill at breaks and lunch times to avoid dehydration. 

Friday 28th June is a staff training day and Perins School will be closed to students. 

Our Year 11 students have completed their final GCSE examinations and had their last assembly and activities afternoon. They are now looking forward to their prom on Friday 28th June. The year group were impeccable during the exam period and were an asset to their Head of Year, Mr Medhurst. It has been extremely pleasant to receive so many positive emails from Year 11 parents communicating their appreciation for the work the staff have put into making their child’s education such a positive experience. Staff have also commented on the number of thank-you messages and cards received from the Year 11 students this year. 

Year 10 have really stepped up to act as role models for younger students. They have already had their Posts of Responsibility allocated. The aim is to gradually bring that transition earlier in the year to allow the outgoing team to mentor the new recruits from the year below.  

Last week’s open events were attended by a record number of people whose feedback following their tours was outstanding. We look forward to welcoming their children to Perins in September 2025! Highlights of the evening event were the new student leadership team’s speeches, the interactions between staff and prospective students, and the work put in by staff to showcase Perins. 

Clarification of our mobile phone policy and subsequent consistent staff application of the requirements: No phones seen between 0830 and 1515 has led to the school campus being mobile phone free during the school day. Our students have been excellent in complying with the school rules on this issue. They appear more focused, and negative conduct issues have been reduced. Many of those who have had a phone confiscated have done so when caught replying to a non-emergency call or message during the school day from their parent.  

Building work commences on the 1st of July by the overflow car park near our Junction building. This is to facilitate our new SEMH (Social, Emotional, and Mental Health) provision – The Station. Please note that the school car park remains solely for staff and all drop-off and pick-ups should be via the Jacklyn’s Lane entrance. 

On Friday 21st, Perins charity day in aid of the Dogs Trust, saw the return, as a pilot, of the free dress day. The atmosphere at lunchtime with the charity fundraising stalls and sports challenges was immense. Students were happy, supportive, and enjoying being at school. Expectations for the day were communicated clearly through messages and assemblies. Contrary to the ill-informed and inappropriate social media posts you may have seen from a minority of individuals, who actively encourage their children to deviate from the expected norm, a very small number of students had to be educated away from the main school until they had suitable clothing brought into school to enable them to join in with the rest of the charity day .Thank you to everyone involved in making this such a resounding success.  

The plethora of activities organised for our students continues this week. We have students attending district athletics, geography field trips and college taster days across the county. 

Yours sincerely,

Mark Nevola 

Head of School 

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