Non-uniform day – 21st June

Year 10 are hosting their annual Charity Day on Friday 21st June 2024. They will be running stalls and events at lunchtime for students to raise money for the Year group’s nominated charity, The Dogs Trust.

Friday 21st June will therefore be a non-uniform day, whereby students can choose to wear their own clothes in exchange for a £1 donation. Cash donations will be collected by Form Tutors on Thursday 20th June. Students can still choose to wear their uniform should they wish. Students are welcome to bring extra donations for these activities.

Non-uniform needs to be appropriate for Health & Safety reasons.

  • No sliders or flip-flops
  • No visible underwear (including hot pants & vest tops)
  • No midriffs 
  • No offensive language on clothing
  • No excessive jewellery

Please note that full PE kit still needs to be worn for PE lessons on Friday.

If students do not follow these guidelines, they will be removed from circulation and unable to participate in the fun lunchtime activities planned by Year 10. 

Year 10 Senior Prefects will be hosting Year group assemblies next week to raise awareness about The Dogs Trust charity. General Prefects will be going into Tutor groups next week to promote the event and remind students about non-uniform expectations and conduct on Friday. 

Thank you for your support with the Year 10 Charity Day.

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