First Place Football

Well done to Harry P, Luke W, and Lucas D who recently, represented their team, Down Grange Panthers FC, by securing first place in the U12 category at the Fleet Spurs Tournament. Their outstanding performance and dedication were truly commendable.

What makes their achievement even more remarkable is the journey their team has undergone this season. Starting from the 5th league in NEHYL, they have demonstrated remarkable progress, working their way up to the 2nd league and ultimately earning promotion to the 1st league for the upcoming season. This speaks volumes about their determination, teamwork, and resilience.

Harry, Luke, and Lucas have not only showcased their athletic abilities but also exemplified the values of perseverance and sportsmanship that we strive to instil in our students at Perins School. Their success reflects positively on the school and serves as an inspiration to their peers.

Our huge congratulations to Harry, Luke, Lucas, and the entire Down Grange Panthers FC team on their well-deserved victory. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments and look forward to celebrating more achievements in the future.

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