Perins in Lockdown: Wednesday 22nd Jan 

We are living in an ever-changing world, and one to which we must proactively plan to adapt.

At Perins, we take the safety of students and staff extremely seriously. You may have seen the visible measures to make the site more secure in recent months. For our next stage of safeguarding development, it is important we put procedures in place to plan for eventualities that would not have been contemplated even a few years ago. Events have unfolded nationally and within Hampshire schools where safety has been compromised, and this is something we cannot ignore. Occurrences of this nature, even though very unlikely to occur do need to be taken account of. We have therefore been working with Hampshire Constabulary to prepare a new safety procedure for Perins School in Lockdown.

Perins staff have run through this procedure twice now, as a drill, as a rehearsal to refine the process and we now propose to practise this safety strategy with the whole school on the morning of Wednesday 22nd January. We acknowledge it will not be perfect and as a drill it will give the school an opportunity to observe where we have weaknesses. Importantly we can listen to feedback from staff, students, and parents to help inform actions that will follow on from the Lockdown and further develop the plans.

What is a Lockdown?

A Lockdown is a standard health and safety procedure, similar to a fire drill. The procedure would be used when there is a threat to the safety of our students, staff, and others in the school, or when it is deemed safer for everyone to remain in buildings rather than to evacuate the site. The aim is to keep people safe by confining them to a secure place of safety. Situations where our lockdown procedure might be used could include:

  • A potentially dangerous person/s or animal/s on the school site.
  • A disturbance or dangerous situation in the local community that could affect the school.
  • A nearby chemical incident or other risk of air pollution.
  • An incident related to terrorism.

What is Perins’ Lockdown procedure?

  • A specific alarm will be sounded on the school public address system, and the external door electronic locking system will be engaged. This will indicate a ‘lockdown’ has been initiated.
  • Students in classrooms, should sit, remain silent, and await further instruction from the adult in the classroom.
  • If in an office, toilet or other internal space, students should stay where they are, in silence and await further instruction.
  • If outside, students should go directly to the nearest inside space. If with a teacher, the teacher will direct students to the most suitable inside space.
  • Staff will lock available doors, and close blinds, with students moving onto the floor and out of sight from windows and doors and await further instruction. No student mobile phones should be used unless instructed by the adult in the room.
  • The school’s leadership team will communicate with staff as necessary using our pre-determined method.
  • A second and different alarm will sound to indicate that Perins is out of Lockdown.

What should parents and carers do in the event of a real lockdown?

Parents and carers will be informed via the school website and email. It is important that no attempt is made to come into school or to phone students or the school. The school team and if appropriate the authorities will keep the community updated with events as and when they are practically able to. The priority will be the safety of all on the school site, with primary communication confined to emergency services.

About our upcoming security lockdown drill on Wednesday 22nd January

Prior to practising this procedure with students, I will be conducting assemblies with all year groups and tutors will talk to students about the lockdown procedures.

Unlike a fire drill where individual adaptions are sometimes made, in the interests of safety for all there can only be a ‘one size fits all’ model when in Lockdown to avoid compromising overall safety on the school site.

Our SEND, Junction, Station, and Student Services teams will talk to students whom they feel may need additional support or preparation. Our student services team will also be on hand to assist any students who may struggle in dealing with an event such as a Lockdown.

If you or your child have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school via

Yours faithfully

Mr M Nevola

Head of Perins School

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