Head of School’s Letter 18/10/2024

Dear parents and carers

As another half term concludes, my seventh as Head of School at Perins, I reflect on the contrast between my first term and where we are now. The journey we are taking as a Perins community is a very positive trajectory. The bulk of emails I receive from parents at present are supportive, complimentary of the school, and contain messages that demonstrate the true “buy-in” from our wider community to the direction the school is heading.

My colleagues have passed participation information onto me this week indicating that engagement by students in the extra-curricular activities we offer is back at the level we want across the school, with phenomenal levels of attendance at clubs and interhouse events by years 7 and 8 students, which truly bodes well for Perins moving forward.

With the introduction of Seneca Premium as a tool Perins is using to reignite our student’s engagement in completing regular independent learning and homework activities, we have been pleasantly encouraged by how quickly our students have taken up the challenge.  Across the school, Year 11 students have completed the highest total hours of study using the platform.  This is establishing good independent study habits, a skill that ties in with one of our school aims of developing skills for life-long learning.

By reintroducing Transform lessons to Perins last year, one objective was to ensure young people view school learning as something functional and of real value. This week in Year 7 Transform external providers worked with students on the “Restart a Heart” programme.

Specialist contractor Caterlink is now delivering our cafeteria food offer at Perins. 100% of the students I have spoken to in years 8-11 voiced the opinion that the food has improved since last year. I have had parents ask if the current capped spending limit of £6 can be increased. Please send a request to the school (school@perins.hants.sch.uk) and we will apply any change individually, rather than a blanket increase.

I appreciate everyone’s perseverance with the current procedures regarding the locking of the school gates. This was a necessary measure, something that has been acknowledged by the majority. I am pleased to announce that the Perins MAT Trustees have kindly agreed to provide the required funds for Perins School to extend our fences and further secure the perimeter. This will also provide additional gates with appropriate access controls to ensure smoother entry and exit processes, yet still maintaining the levels of safeguarding that this short-term measure has afforded our students. Work on the fence and gates near Stephenson building will be completed during half term. This will then be the primary entrance/exit for students and visitors, arriving or leaving between 0840 and 1515. We are also adding new fencing and gates around Rousseau building and The Avenue entrance. This will be undertaken as soon as possible given availability of contractors and materials.

A by-product of the current situation has been the re-evaluation by some young people of their morning schedules, and this is having a positive effect on their arriving at school on time! School attendance and punctuality is very topical at present with a central government drive to ensure students attend their allocated education setting regularly and ingrain the life skill of punctuality. Perins remains above the Hampshire and National averages for attendance, which is pleasing, however there is still work that can further improve this.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all an enjoyable and restful half term break with your families.

Yours Faithfully 

Mark Nevola
Head of Perins School

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