Perins,The Station

Do you have any second-hand items, suitable for teenagers, that you can donate? We are looking for the following for The Station:

  • Puzzles
  • Lego
  • Board games
  • Non-fiction books

We are also on the look out for a new guinea pig hutch and run. Donations to be handed to reception please.

The Station – Perins is pleased to be working in conjunction with Hampshire County Council to assist young people with social, emotional, or mental health barriers which are preventing them from accessing a mainstream school environment. The aim is to re-integrate these students into the school community. Our success in supporting young people with these needs was recognised by the local authority, who have invested in a unit on the Perins School site, we call The Station. This is an area where specialist staff work with young people to build their own personal strategies, assisting them to then work towards learning confidently in Perins School classes.

The Junction- Following the success of our Junction pilot, Perins is pleased to be able to offer this resource to young people who need guidance in making the right choices at a given stage in their learning. The staff in The Junction are specialised in dealing with students who need to modify their learning behaviours in order to succeed at Perins where high expectations are the norm. Our young people are immersed into a time limited programme with the aim of returning to their Perins timetable with a personalised toolkit to assist them in coping with the aspiration environment of a Perins classroom.

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