Year 11 Core Subjects

Perins School will be hosting a Year 11 Core Subjects Information Evening at 5 pm on Thursday, September 19th.

The event will take place in the school hall, which has the capacity for around 250 people. We have emailed to invite parents of those students who we feel would benefit the most from the information, so although it would certainly have value for all students and their parents, if you did not receive the email then you may be satisfied looking at the presentation documents, which will be released on the school website after the event, and discussing subject-specific details with classroom teachers at the year 11 parents’ evening in October.

We are committed to the well-being and academic progress of all of our students, so of course all are welcome. However, given the capacity limitation in the school hall, we would not be able to accommodate you all, so please do not feel pressured to attend.

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