English Lectures

Did you know that one Monday lunch per month – usually the first Monday dependent on holidays – we run an English Lecture in P5. All students are welcome and they tend to be exploring Englishy-things beyond the English syllabus. This helps students recognise English’s place in the world more broadly as well as supporting their study and understanding of English in classroom terms.

Lectures last year included:

  • A study of symbolism in art and its links to symbolism in Literature;
  • An exploration of representations of London in history;
  • The development of the English language including the history of slang;
  • A scrutiny of linguistic clues in Taylor Swift’s lyrics which suggest she might have used AI to generate them;
  • An exploration of the modern-day technologies which were inspired by past science fiction writing and a consideration of what current sci-fi might be telling us about our future.

As you can see, there’s something in there for the historians, the scientists, the artists, the musicians and so on. This coming Monday I’ll be drawing on children’s picture books to help students understand aspects of English which are so obvious to them that they might miss them!

Please do encourage your child to come along.

Mr Barber

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