Uniform Update – Reminder

As we start the new school academic year, there are a few items we’d like to share with you that will hopefully help this year to be as smooth as possible.


Further to the guidance published by the Education (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Act 2021, we would like to take this opportunity to confirm our uniform requirements for this academic year.

The main points in the guidance indicate to schools that any branded items of clothing should be kept to a minimum; there should be a second-hand uniform shop available for parents and regular costing comparisons should be carried out so that any supplier that the school may use is the least expensive option.

As such we can confirm that our Friends of Perins online shop continues to stock a wide range of second-hand uniform for sale with the donations enabling Friends of Perins to directly support the school. In order to assist in reducing costs to parents we will be phasing out the requirement to wear a school skirt with a logo, however, the expectations for how a skirt is to be worn will remain the same.

Our PE kit requirements can be found here. You will see that all items of the PE kit may be bought as unbranded. If you wish to purchase the branded PE kit or some branded items, information on how to do this is also found on the link above.

A full review of our summer uniform policy is planned for the Autumn term 2024, and we will update you on this later in the new school year.

You may find our full uniform requirements here. Please note that the only school uniform items which must be purchased from Perins will continue to be the Perins badge and tie. All other items of clothing may be from alternative suppliers.

Last year we noticed some common misconceptions regarding our uniform requirements, as such, may we please confirm the following:

  • Hoodies are not part of the Perins School uniform and should not be worn except for PE lessons. If a student wants to wear a jumper under their blazer, then it should be a plain black V-neck.
  • Skirts must not be rolled or tailored and should be of a length down to the knee.
  • School shoes should be black, leather and polishable. (mesh/ fabric uppers are not acceptable)
  • Extension, extra-long or coloured nails are not permitted.
  • One stud in each or either ear lobe, and a watch are the only items of jewellery that may be worn to school.

We ask that you support us in reinforcing this at home, especially as we are aware that some of our students have had an additional piercing, or acrylic nails during the summer, if this is the case, then they need to be removed for the beginning of the new school term please.

Finally, as always, we are here to support our families and if you feel that any additional financial support is needed with regards to uniform, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lost Property

We collected an enormous amount of lost property last this year. Please ensure to name every item. Named property is returned to students promptly when found.

Ask your child to come to reception to collect any lost property.

If you have any queries regarding the above, please contact the school through the school mailbox schoolMail@perinsschool.onmicrosoft.com

Kind regards,

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