St Nicholas Church Visit

On Friday 12th July, 7 year 7 pupils went to St Nicholas Church, in Bishops Sutton to find out how the church has links with History and RE. Pupils were given an interesting find checklist and given talks on pilgrimage, Thomas Becket and the reformation. Pupils were also shown and allowed to hold a pilgrimage token, which is believed to date from before the reformation, as the church has been a stopping place for pilgrims since the late 1100’s.

The trip was an opportunity to build local community links, whilst also providing pupils with the chance to learn outside of the classroom and see the topics they have been taught in real life.

Miss Lewis and Miss Sargent were so pleased to see the pupils engaged and enthused: “We are so grateful to the team at St Nicholas’ church, for giving up their time and for providing pupils with this experience. The pupils were amazed how one small church could provide so many links to the big topics that they have studied this year.  We are now keen to work with the church again and hope more pupils will be able to visit”.

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