The Station

Specialist provision for students with SEMH needs

The Station, at Perins School, is a brand-new specialist resourced provision on site. This is a new facility for students who have diagnosed social, emotional and mental health needs, who are academically able, and with levels of anxiety which have become a barrier to accessing learning and social opportunities. We are naming this provision “The Station”.
Places are allocated by Hampshire County Council’s SEN team following formal consultation, usually via Annual Review.
Our aim is to include a student in classes and activities in the main school. We recognise that this is a journey and that students will progress at their own pace. There are therefore several tracks of engagement in The Station. Students are likely to change track during their journey:

Track 1 – Students have an agreed, highly individual broad and balanced curriculum, based in The Station with opportunities to access whole class lessons in the mainstream classroom with support, small group and one to one learning alongside high levels of reset and interventions in The Station as per EHCP and presenting needs.

Track 2 – Students follow a personal broad and balanced curriculum accessing some whole class lessons in the mainstream school with an increased level of support, high levels of reset and interventions in The Station as per EHCP and needs.

Track 3 – Pupils follow an individual broad and balanced curriculum accessing whole class lessons in the mainstream classroom, with some support and attend interventions in The Station as per their EHCP.

Perins School, through The Station will:

    • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which encompasses the National Curriculum and takes account of the age and individual needs of each pupil; to ensure and enable appropriate progress and attainment.

    • Deliver the curriculum, taking account of students’ difficulties in social functioning and other learning needs, and provide opportunities for individual and group teaching, counselling and guidance.

    • Provide a conduct management structure, with individual conduct management plans where appropriate.

    • Provide access to learning programmes that address emotional needs (e.g. anger, self-control, relationships) and the development of positive social and interactional skills.

    • Provide students with frequent and detailed feedback and encouragement about their conduct.

    • Value students for themselves, as well as what they are capable of achieving, and maintain a level of care and offer positive experiences even in the context of potentially challenging conduct.

    • Have staff with experience and training in work with challenging conduct, who offer consistent strategies and boundaries to support change at a high level of intensity and detail. This may include physical intervention.

    • Offer a high level of home-school liaison and partnership with parents and carers, supported by the attached social worker.

    • Enable close working with psychiatric/therapeutic and other support services.

    • Provide regular opportunities for inclusion in mainstream school and class activities

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