Foreign Language Translation Bee

On Monday, Perins School was one of only 7 schools to make it to the regional stage of the Foreign Language Translation Bee. Three of our Year 8 students represented Perins at Bath University: Elinor S, Leo P and Scarlett H.

Our regional finalists did excellently and should be very proud that they finished in the last 57 of the 4056 students who started the competition in the South.

“I am so proud of our Year 8 finalists – the competition was really intense and they had to compete against many very talented Year 8 and Year 9s. They faced the competition with braveness; even if we didn’t make it to the next stage, they made Perins proud. They showcased the importance of being able to reach outside of their comfort zone and challenged themselves to compete with some of the very best teenage linguists in the country.” – Ms Ercolani – Teacher of German and Spanish.

Amazing work everyone, well done!

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