Year 11 Exams Message

We have seen a fantastic start to the exam period, and we are all delighted with the efforts demonstrated by the year 11 cohort, and the positive way they are approaching these exams.

We would however, like to bring to your attention that a small number of students are not meeting expectations around attendance to class after each exam, and we will be writing to those students separately.

May we take this opportunity to remind all students that if they are not in an exam, they must follow their normal timetable. Year 11 must also return to their class at the completion of any exam in a timely fashion and attend lessons in order that staff can complete their registers correctly as part of our safeguarding protocol,  this also allows each student to get the maximum time with their subject teacher before each of their exams.

We all hope that their efforts over the past years at Perins will be rewarded in August with some fantastic results.

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