Sun Hill Infant Retirement

Mrs Jones is retiring from Sun Hill Infant and Preschool on 23rd July after an incredible 24 years as Headteacher. We know that she has had such a huge impact on the lives of so many children and families in Alresford and beyond and we wanted to share how you can say thank you and wish her well in her retirement:

Sun Hill Infant and Preschool summer fete is on Saturday 6th July between 11am and 3pm. We would love to see as many current and past pupils and families as possible and this is a great opportunity to see Mrs Jones and wish her well. There will be a ‘thank you’ moment at midday. 

We are organising a Memory Book and would love to include your photos, drawings, a poem or a memory. These need to be emailed to Rosie Waring Green ( or put through her door at 2, Grange Road, Alresford SO24 9HB. The deadline for contributions for the Memory Book will be Saturday, June 29th. 

You can also donate towards a leaving gift for her through the following link: Deadline for donations will be Sunday 14th July.

Many thanks and we hope to see you at the fete on the 6th of July.

Ben Howlett
Chair of Governors at Sun Hill Infant and Preschool

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