Costa Rica Trip Meeting – Tonight

Please don’t forget, those of you coming on the Costa Rica trip, that the date for the meeting is tonight, Monday 9th October from 5.30 pm 

As previously mentioned, during the meeting we will go over some expectations of the trip but more importantly, you will need to hand in the passport that your child will be travelling on and the signed parental consent letter. There will however be spare copies of this available at the meeting should you not be able to complete it prior to the evening.  

We will use the first 30-45 minutes to collect passports and then I will outline the trip in more detail, expectations, timings and there will also be an opportunity for any last-minute questions, which I will do my best to answer. Tea and Coffee will also be available.

Please remember to bring your child’s Passport and the signed consent letter. 

I look forward to seeing you then.

Best wishes,

Mr C Rait

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